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Avignon Tourisme

Office de tourisme « Nous avons le plaisir de collaborer avec Birthe depuis 2019 pour l’accompagnement de groupes internationaux en Provence. Nous sommes pleinement satisfaits de ses services que nous recommandons ! »...

Anna-Maria Aurel

Auteure de romans policiers autour de Marseille « En tant que traductrice de langue maternelle allemande Birthe Louisin relit mes manuscrits avant soumission à la maison de l’édition. Grâce à ses compétences de guide conférencière, elle me conseille quant à l’intrigue...

Anna Maria Aurel.

Crime writer “As a German-speaking translator, Birthe Louisin works for me as a test reader before I submit a manuscript to the publisher. With her cultural and local knowledge as a tourist guide, she advises me on the plot and the cultural details of Marseille and...

Un Monde Bleu.

Tourism and events agency “Birthe has been a tour guide for our river cruises in the southern Rhone Valley for many years and conveys information about regional and local cultural heritage to our groups. Her work is characterised by extensive knowledge of the region...

Fluido Traduction.

Translation agency “Birthe translates texts into German for Fluido Traduction and proved as a high-level professional. We know her to be a reliable, qualified and competent translator and have been very satisfied since the beginning of our cooperation.“...